Welcome to the space where digital and art integrate with each other

Welcome to the space where digital and art integrate with each other.
This blog is about the the research,analysis, and idea development for my final year project installation art

Monday, December 19, 2011

Presentation ( project Design )

Artist Statement
environmental issue is become a serious issue now day, to solve the problem, many medium and method has been use. but the apathy and ignorance of human has hasten the speed of destruction of the earth. to give the awareness to people, an interactive installation art was build to remind the duty of people himself.with this installation, hope it can encourage the people to recycle.

look at my own world.

style: the whole installation style will the mixture of animation and video.

meaning: after the audience experience the installation art, they will feel suspicious. the user also feel they are cultivate by the video.After the observation and research, human being is very easily influence by other people, and they are be the one who influence other people, so through this installation, video on people will be tool to persuade and let people have another view about the pollution and recycle issue.

the installation is to warn  people about environmental issue and remind people do recycle.The picture below ( diagram 1 ) show the sketch on how is the artwork look like( front view ).

title: my own beautiful earth

the diagram 1

Floor Plan
the diagram 2 show floor plan of the design

floor plan

the diagram 2

the medium or tool use in the installation:
Projector - to project the image or video on the screen
projector screen - as a display to let people view.
webcam - as a sensor to capture the motion or movement of the people.
speaker - provide audio and give sound to enchant whole installation experience
PC - as a controller to control webcam, projector and speaker.

Diagram Design
the diagram 3 show the diagram design

diagram design

the diagram 3

the diagram 3 show the diagram design of my work, as the drawing shown, the webcam projector speaker is connected to the PC and all the this tool is hide behind the installation.( the projector might be in front and hang on the ceiling, it is depend on the place at the exhibition ).

Flow chart
the diagram 4 show the flowchart design of my installation art


the diagram 4

The diagram 4 showing the flowchart of my installation art. There are 2 stage in my installation:

first stage: when there is no people walk by, where the interactivity is not triggered. the projector screen will show the video of destruction of the earth.

second stage: when people walk through the trigger zone the there is another video show on the screen.

the diagram 5 show the storyboard of my installation art


Diagram 5


Diagram 6

the diagram 5 show the video are going to show on the left hand side ( video 1 ), the video that play when there is not interact by people.the right hand side ( video 2 ) will show the another video when people walk through it.

video 2
video 2 will consist 8 block of small video ( 8 different small video ), when people walk through the installation art, the 8 video ( people ) will look in to the center ( where the mirror is place ) and say their own opinion on pollution, recycle and the way they thinking.

Technical Part

  •  mapping is use for the video, after effect will be used as the tool to make it.

-adobe Flash
  • an interactive software that enable user to control the application in real-time
  • use to create animation
  • use to play video 

-adobe After Effect

  • to create a scene that cannot be done by nature
  • to edit the video

-Zone Trigger

  • to detect the movement or the gesture and give command like press key, capture video, mouse click , and play sound.

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